Ukraine: Information in English 
How to get started
It is important for people from Ukraine to apply for an S permit, as it entitles them to the following benefits and facilities:
- Medical care
- Financial assistance
- Accommodation (with private individuals or in a structure provided by the State of Geneva)
- Schooling for children
- Possibility of enrolling in French/German/Italian language courses
- Possibility to work
- Free movement throughout the Schengen zone
It is not possible to apply for asylum in Switzerland from abroad.
On Arrival to Switzerland you have to address to one of federal asylum centres run by the Federal government in six asylum regions:
- Altstätten (Eastern Switzerland asylum region),
- Basel (Northwest Switzerland asylum region),
- Balerna and Novazzano [until further notice Chiasso] (Central Switzerland and Ticino asylum region),
- Bern (Bern asylum region),
- Boudry (Western Switzerland asylum region)
- Zürich (Zurich asylum region).
For additional help address to zRächtCho NWCH in Pratteln, Gallenweg 8
The federal government, cantons, communes and private initiatives are working together to deal with the challenging task of accommodating refugees from Ukraine.
Cantons: As a rule, registered refugees are allocated to the cantons in proportion to the size of their population. SEM compensates the cantons with a global lump sum of around CHF 1,500 per person per month (including for health insurance premiums)..
Federal Asylum Centres FAC: These are usually the first point of contact for refugees - and offer up to 9,000 accommodation places. Registration takes place here. Those who do not yet have a place to stay are accommodated for a short period (1-3 nights) in a FAC. They are then assigned to a canton, which assumes responsibility for the care of the person in need of protection from that point on.
Private accommodation: The Swiss Refugee Council in cooperation with partner organisations (Swiss Church Aid, Caritas, SRC, Salvation Army, SAH and Campax) coordinates the accommodation of Ukrainian refugees with private host families. In each case, the canton responsible decides on any compensation to be paid to providers of private accommodation.
What applies in which canton? You will find the most important information here (PDF, 67 kB, 05.04.2022).
Further initiatives: Hotels can report free capacity for accommodating Ukrainian refugees on the website of the Swiss Refugee Council or Camapx. If the hotel booking was ordered by the federal government, the federal government will bear the costs incurred for overnight stays until another accommodation option can be found (until the person seeking protection is assigned to a canton). The Federal Office of Housing has also called on a number of real estate associations to report vacant apartments.
How to settle well
Humanitarian help points:
Every Tuesday 11:00- 16:30
Schwartzwaldallee 175, 4058 Basel.
Near Train/Bus/ Tram station Basel Badischer Bahnhof.
Basel SBB / Basel Railway station>Tram 2 :Platform F ride/ 6 stops to Basel Bad Bf /walk 3 min. to Schwarzwaldallee.)
Gallenweg 8, 4133 Pratteln
For additional information please visit the dedicated page of Swiss migration authorities: Fragen und Antworten des SEM zum Krieg in der Ukraine (; send an email at or call the hotline +41 58 465 99 11
The Swiss Refugee Council has also put in place a hotline to answer your questions. You can reach it at the following number: +41 58 105 05 55 or send them a message via this contact form
You can also select the dedicated webpage of your Canton of residence in the following document to obtain more specific information provided by local competent authorities.
Can my children attend school in Switzerland?
Yes. When and how this is the case is decided by the canton. Your canton may offers courses in which your child learns German first. School attendance is compulsory and free of charge for all children who stay in Switzerland for a longer period of time. You can obtain information about school attendance from the municipality where you live.
KulturLegi beider Basel
061 961 55 55
Lindenberg 20
Basel, 4058
To apply for a debit card you must go to bank Credit Suisse/ UBS
Documents you need:
Ukrainian International passport
S-Status ID card
Phone number
How can Ukrainian nationals seeking protection fund their stay in Switzerland?
All persons with protection status S may take up work (incl. self-employment) without having to wait. Persons with protection status S receive social assistance from the canton to which they have been assigned if they cannot support themselves independently. Social assistance covers the basic needs of daily life in Switzerland. Social assistance can take the form of benefits in kind (accommodation, food, hygiene articles, etc.) and/or money. The canton is responsible for organising social assistance.
What applies in which canton? You will find the most important information here (PDF, 67 kB, 05.04.2022)
If a person in need of protection requires immediate medical assistance even before applying for protection status S and has no health insurance, the public authorities will cover the costs.
What applies in which canton? You will find the most important information here (PDF, 67 kB, 05.04.2022).
A lot of information on health matters in Switzerland can be found on the website – as well as important information specifically relevant for refugees from Ukraine.